Insertion Sort

What is sorting?
Suppose you are playing a multiplayer game with your friends on a computer. Each player is rewarded some points at the end of the game. As the game finishes, we need to display the score of each player on the screen with the lowest score at the bottom and the score gradually increases as we move toward the top. So, the process of arranging the numbers in this order is called sorting.
How can we arrange numbers in such order? Well, there are different algorithms to do so but, here we discuss a basic algorithm called insertion sort. The concept of insertion sort can be easily understood with the following example. This example is taken from the CLRS book Introduction to Algorithms. Suppose we have to sort a hand of playing cards. Initially, the left hand is empty and the cards are facing down on the table. We then, remove a card from the table at a time and place it in the right position on the hand. To do so, we compare the card (say X) which we picked with the rightmost card on the left hand. If it is greater than the rightmost card, then the new card (card X) is now the rightmost card. Otherwise, the new card is compared with the next card left to the rightmost card. In this way, the card is compared from right to left until a card smaller than the card X is found on the hand. We can see that the cards on the left hand are sorted at all times.

Input to the algorithm: The sequence of numbers, a1, a2, a3, …, an.
Output from the algorithm: The reordering of numbers, a1’, a2’, a3’, …, an’ such that a1< a2< a3<< an’.
Here is the pseudocode for the insertion sort.
Insertion-Sort (A)                              // A is the array of numbers to be sorted
      1.   for j = 2 to A.length
            2.                  key = A[j]
3.                              i = j – 1                        //A[j] is inserted into the sorted sequence A[1 … j-1]
4.                              while i > 0 and A[i] > key
5.                                                         A[i+1] = A[i]
6.                                                         i = i -1
7.                              A[i+1] = key
The worst case running time of insertion sort is θ(n2) where n is the length of the array. To see this, let us consider a barometer instruction (the instruction which is executed most). Here, we consider instruction in line 5 as a barometer instruction. Considering the outer for loop, line 5 is executed (n-1) times. With the while loop, line 5 is executed (j – 1) times which is equal to (n-1) in the worst case i.e. when the given array is sorted in reverse order then, the last element to be inserted to the array A[1…j-1] will take (n-1) times. This is just an intuition behind the fact that running time of insertion sort is bounded by θ(n2). For detail proof, see Introduction to Algorithms book by CLRS.


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