Merge Sort
we have seen previously that the running time of insertion sort is bounded by
θ(n2). Now we are interested in finding an algorithm that works
better than insertion sort. Merge sort performs faster than insertion sort and
it uses divide-and-conquer paradigm. So, what is divide-and-conquer paradigm?
Divide the given problem into a number of subproblems that are smaller
instances of the given problem.
Solve the problem recursively and when the size of problem becomes small enough
then, solve it in the straight forward manner.
Combine the solution of the subproblems to obtains the solution to the original
paradigm applied to merge sort:
Divide the given sequence of n-elements into two sequences with nearly half
Sort the two sequences recursively using merge sort.
Merge the two sorted sequence to produce the solution to the combined sequence.
let’s understand the merge sort algorithm using an example from CLRS book Introduction to Algorithms.
Suppose you have two piles of cards each of which are in sorted order. We want
to combine these two piles into a single sorted output pile. To do this, we
compare the cards on the top of each pile. The smaller one is picked (and a new
card is exposed) and kept on the output pile with its face down. We repeat the
process until one of the pile becomes empty and we keep the remaining pile
directly on the output pile. In this way, a sorted pile of card is obtained.
first, we write the MERGE procedure which merges two sorted sequences. We use a
sentinel value ∞ which indicates that one of the sequences has been empty. It
also makes sense as the value of the sequences will never be greater than ∞.
While implementing the pseudocode in a programming language, we can replace ∞
by any value which is greater than the maximum value in the whole sequence.
(A,p,q,r) //p and r are indices to
the first and last elements of the array A
1. n1
= q – p + 1
2. n2
= r – q
Let L[1..n1+1] and R[1..n2+1]
be new arrays //one extra memory in each array
for sentinel
4. for
i = 1 to n1
5. L[i] = A[p + i -1]
6. for
j = 1 to n2
7. R[j] = A[q + j]
8. L[n1
+ 1] = ∞
9. R[n2
+ 1] = ∞
10. i
= 1
11. j
= 1
12. for
k = p to r
13. if L[i] < R[j]
14. A[k] = L[i]
15. i = i + 1
16. else A[k] = R[j]
17. j = j + 1
determine the running time of MERGE procedure, let us consider line 13 as a
barometer instruction (i.e. the instruction which is executed most). All other
instruction outside for loop takes constant time. The for loops in line 4 and 6
takes θ (n1 + n2) = θ (n) time. The for loop in line 12 is
executed n times so, it takes θ (n) time. Hence, merge sort takes θ (n) time.
(A, p, r)
1. if
p < r
2. q = L(p + r) / 2˩
3. MERGE-SORT (A, p, q)
4. MERGE-SORT (A, q + 1, r)
5. MERGE (A, p, q, r)
p > r, the subarray has at most one element and is therefore already
sorted. Let t (n) be the time taken by this algorithm to sort an array of n
elements. Consequently, t (n) = t (Ln/2
˩) + t (ᴦn/2Ꞁ)
+ g(n) where g(n) = θ (n). This recurrence becomes t (n) = 2t (n/2) + g (n)
when n is even. Now using master theorem, the running time becomes t (n) = θ (n
log n).
more detail analysis of the algorithm, please refer to CLRS book on Introduction to
For Insertion sort, please visit
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