Stack is one of the elementary data structure in which elements are added and deleted using Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. To understand LIFO principle, let us consider a teacher is checking the examination paper. After checking each paper, he/she keeps the papers by his/her side such that the first paper checked, remained at the bottom and the last paper checked, remained at the top. So, the paper is inserted at the top of the pile of paper. While distributing the examination paper, the first paper to be removed, is the one which was on the top of the pile. This is known as LIFO principle. (a) Stack S has 4 elements and its top element is 9. (b) Stack S after STACK_PUSH(S, 17) and STACK_PUSH(S, 3). (c) Stack S after STACK_POP(S). [Source: Introduction to Algorithms] Here, we will see the implementation of stack using an array. Let, S[1…n] be the array. The stack has an attribute, which gives index of the most recently added element. The stack is empty if = ...